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"Publishing is democratizing knowledge"

Publishing scientific papers is crucial for disseminating research findings globally and fostering international collaboration among researchers.

Who we are

The Brazilian Journal of Studies on Nature, Education and Culture

The Brazilian Journal of Studies on Nature, Education and Culture is a biannual journal linked to the University Centre UNIPTAN/Afya - Centro Universitário Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves. It aims to publish scientific/academic studies. The editorial and organizational decisions are made by the editor who, together with a professional team of four people, carry out day-to-day operations.


In addition to serving as an important academic forum for university studies, the Journal has two other objectives. Firstly, it is designed to be an effective research tool for researchers and students in various fields. Secondly, it offers opportunities for Journal members to develop their own editing and writing skills. Thus, each issue contains articles from editor-researchers as well as external authors.


The Journal publishes articles and essays from professors, researchers, and professionals from various fields and also requests reviews of recent important books from recognized experts. All articles - even those from the most respected authorities - undergo a rigorous editorial process aimed at improving and strengthening the published content.


The journal also accepts written pieces that take the form of Notes, Recent Cases/Case Studies, Experience Reports, and Recent Legislation. Notes should be no more than 22 pages long and are usually written by students. Recent Cases/Case Studies and Recent Legislation are typically up to 10 pages long. Recent cases are comments on recent legal decisions and consensuses in the field of health. Recent legislation examines new statutes at the state or federal level in the field of education and health. Expanded or simple abstracts also appear in special issues in the months of  November and April. The editorial is usually written by a prominent guest researcher.

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The Brazilian Journal of studies on Nature, Education and Culture accepts submissions of articles, essays, and book reviews, which can be submitted electronically by email. Contributors must comply with the guidelines available under the "Authors" tab.


We encourage readers and authors to register for the journal's publication notification service. Click on Login at the top menu of the page. Registration will allow readers to receive the table of contents of each new issue by email. The Journal’s Privacy Policy ensures readers that their names and addresses will not be used for other purposes.



Av. José Caetano Carvalho, 2199 - Centro, São João del Rei - MG, 36307-251


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